My Blue Mountains Woodland is a partnership of private landowners, public and non-profit organizations working to help woodland owners like you in northeastern Oregon. We connect you to information, services, and trained professionals to help you keep your woods healthy, reduce your wildfire risk, protect water quality and wildlife habitat, and become a more active land steward.

My Blue Mountains Woodland is a partnership of private landowners, public and non-profit organizations working to help woodland owners like you in northeastern Oregon. We connect you to information, services, and trained professionals to help you keep your woods healthy, reduce your wildfire risk, protect water quality and wildlife habitat, and become a more active land steward.

"I border Forest Service lands and have lots of neighbors, and I am the last hurrah before the fire reaches either of them. What I do on my property helps protect me, my neighbors, all of us."

— Mark Klicker

Looking for a forestry professional? Use our updated database to find a contractor for your location and project. Contractors - please contact us if you would like to be included on the MBMW database, OR if you would like to update your information.